Take emergency PEP after an HIV exposure
PEP, or post-exposure prophylaxis, is a medication that someone can take after being exposed to HIV. PEP is an emergency medication that must be started within 72 hours of the possible HIV exposure. PEP is highly effective at preventing HIV infection when taken as soon as possible after an exposure.

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When to take PEP
PEP can be taken in emergencies and should be started within 72 hours after possible exposure to HIV. People take PEP after they may have used the same needle or syringe as someone living with HIV, had a sexual encounter with high likelihood of HIV exposure, or experienced an accidental needle stick in a health care setting. If you need PEP now, PEP navigators can help you get a PEP prescription or go to your nearest emergency department.

How to get PEP
All Oregon hospitals are required to dispense PEP to those who need it.
To get PEP, go to your local emergency room or check with urgent care, your local Planned Parenthood, or your primary care provider (PCP) as soon as possible. There are resources available to help pay for PEP if you are uninsured.
Not all pharmacies stock PEP medications – this online directory lists pharmacies that stock PEP.

Find a PEP navigator
A PEP navigator can help answer questions about how to find and pay for PEP.
You can find a PEP navigator in the Portland area by contacting Cascade AIDS Project.
In the Willamette Valley, Southern Oregon, or on the Coast, contact HIV Alliance.
In Eastern Oregon, contact the Eastern Oregon Center for Independent Living.